Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Food Find: a history of Lamingtons, an Australian dessert of great importance.

I worked an Australian hosted event last night and was introduced to the strange and wonderful world of Lamingtons. These squares of heaven are a little known treat here in the States. But one the Aussies have perfected. If nothing else good has ever been imported to the US from Australia by way of the vast Pacific Ocean, let it be known that Lamingtons arrived last night. And they were worth the journey over.

According to this History of Cakes, a Lamington or Lemmington means 'layers of beaten gold. An Australian dessert of little cubes or squares of sponge cake, dipped in chocolate, then rolled in coconut. In Victoria (State of Australia) they often add a layer of raspberry or plum jam.' Whatever they say. They're delicious.

And speaking of the history of the cake, 2006 was an apparently rather impressive year for the Lamington. Wikipedia tells us that Friday, July 21, 2006 'was designated as National Lamington Day in Australia.' And that 'in September 2006, the National Trust of Queensland named the Lamington one of Queensland's favourite icons.' The cake is either that good. Or Australia is seriously devoid of significant cultural news.

To make your own Lamingtons, find the recipe here. Enjoy the sweet taste of Australia!

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