Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hello Summer, my very old friend.

As of yesterday, it's Summer. I'm not talking about--oh, it's warm and the birds are singing outside my window and I'm breaking out my short shorts--it's Summer. I'm talking about--Solstice and the sun's at an extreme point in the sky and the day was super long--official Summer sh+t.

So, let's talk about Summer. And let's, while we're at it, talk about my favorite Summer things and activities and some Summer rules and regulations I think we'll all be better off for if we can follow this season.

1. I mentioned short shorts earlier. Short shorts are cute. They are, however, not cute on everyone. Let's all say that together now. Short shorts are not cute on everyone. Take a look at yourself in the mirror. You'll know what the right thing to do is. So, do it this Summer 2010.

2. I love ice cream. And ice cream is best consumed during summer months. Preferably purchased from a man who will take your ice cream out of a cart he pushes around with a bell in the park.

3. Speaking of parks. Let's hear it for public parks. Not to be confused with public pools which are most often germ infested and certainly have too many small people (aka children) running around them for safety or enjoyment. I vote for Griffith Park in LA and Central Park in NY. You can vote for your own park if you like. In fact, please do. My favorite parks are too crowded as is.

4. Young, hot love is best consumed in Summer months. What's better than walking around the city (any city) with a new beau or beaudette, holding hands, getting sweaty, picking up ice cream and eating it in a park (look how we can combine our favorite things during Summer!) as the sun sets. This said, before things get too sweaty, please take your young, hot love and enjoy it in the privacy of your own home.

5. Every summer, the radios start overplaying a good pop song. Next thing we know, we think this pop song is great. And next thing we know right after that, we hate that pop song. We want to tear the radio right out of our cars every time it comes on but we can't cause we just got a manicure and we don't really have the money to go replacing radios left and right. I predict that this Summer's first greatest hit, soon to be mega hit, soon thereafter to be the song that drives me crazy is Jay Z's Young Forever. So please, play with caution.

Happy Summer everyone. Play by the rules, don't forget your SPF, and let's enjoy the next three months together.

[Image Credit: Jessie B. R. in the bestest park LA has to offer, Griffith, on the day before Summer began. So shoot me.]

1 comment:

Amber Avines said...

What a lovely recap of summer, JBR. Now if this miserable heatwave would end, I might be able to enjoy the season a wee bit. In the meantime, it's lotsa Slurpees for me.